Acne and Acne Scarring
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Acne vulgaris is an inflammatory condition of the pilosebaceous unit of the skin. It can present as comedones (whiteheads or blackheads), pimples and pustules, or even cysts, nodules, and scars.
Acne is the most common skin disorder. Although it presents most commonly in puberty, it can begin or progress at any age. Family history, hormones, medications, diet, and stress can affect acne.
Acne Treatment
Treatment strategies need to be individualized for each patient and may include topical medications and skin care, oral antibiotics and other medications, dietary changes, and vitamins. Chemical peels and/or laser treatments may be recommended.
The Smoothbeam™ / VBeam® Perfecta combination is often recommended for active acne and scarring. Fraxel® skin resurfacing may also be utilized to improve deeper scarring.INTRAcel® RF Microneedling can be used in a series of treatments (2-3 at monthly intervals) to reduce scarring, oil production and active acne. The heat from the radio frequency has been shown to kill p.acne bacteria, and the same controlled heating of the tissues stimulates collagen remodeling that will smooth out deep or wavy scars.
Smoothbeam Vbeam Perfecta® Results

*Results May Vary
Smoothbeam™ Laser Acne  Results

*Results May Vary
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) About Acne
Acne affects millions of people of all ages. To help you better understand this common condition and find the best treatment for your needs and goals, Deborah H. Atkin, MD has provided answers to common questions about this topic. If you would like to learn more, please contact our practice.
What can I do to control my acne?
There are a variety of treatment options available and we can tailor a treatment plan for your particular needs. The best course of treatment will depend on the type of acne, severity, and causes.
Will I have acne the rest of my life?
Acne is a chronic condition and you may go through periods of your life where your acne flares up, then clears up. We can help you establish a treatment regimen to control the acne and decrease, or in some cases eliminate breakouts.
If I have laser treatment for my acne, will I have to stay out of the sun?
We offer Smoothbeam™ and VBeam® Perfecta laser for the treatment of acne. You will not be more sun sensitive after your treatments, but we want to dissuade you from getting too much sun exposure as it can lead to increased risk of skin cancer.
Will facials help?
Yes! Regular acne facials are great for maintaining your skin. The esthetician will perform a deep cleanse and steam the skin, then extract any blackheads, whiteheads, and milia. Your skin will look and feel better even after one treatment.
I have oily skin; do I still need moisturizer?
Yes, moisturizer will help hydrate your skin, restoring the skin’s PH balance and maintaining a healthy skin barrier. Read the ingredients on the label of your moisturizer and select one that is oil free, such as SkinMedica™ Ultra Sheer Moisturizer.
Acne Tips:
- Changing your pillowcases often is important. When you sleep, oil and bacteria transfer from your skin to the pillowcase, then transfer back to your skin when you next use the pillow. We suggest changing your pillowcase twice a week.
- A toner is an important step in your acne skin care regimen. Applying the toner with a cotton pad will help to lift any dirt and oil from the pores that may have been left behind after cleansing. Toner can also help to balance your skin PH leading to healthier, clearer skin.
- Avoid using oils, pomades, or gels on your hair. They can block your skin’s pores and irritate your skin. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Oily hair can add to the oil on your face, so wash your hair often, especially if you’re breaking out. Got long hair? Keep it pulled away from your face.
- It’s important to wash your face twice daily to remove impurities, dead skin cells, and extra oil from your skin’s surface. Use a mild hydrating cleanser or an aha/bha based cleanser.
- Clean your makeup brushes 1-2 times a month. This can be done using a mild facial cleanser or baby shampoo. Make sure you rinse them thoroughly, and you can also use a blow dryer on a low setting to dry and fluff the bristles.
Do you have additional questions? contact us to schedule a consultation with Deborah H. Atkin, M.D.