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May is Melanoma Awareness Month, Are You at Risk?

“Doctor, I Have a Funny Mole” Most of us are aware of the dangers of melanoma; melanoma is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. However, it is almost always curable if treated early. According to the American Cancer Society the average five-year survival rate for individuals whose melanoma is... Continue Reading

Hands: The Dead Give Away of Your Age

Women spend a lot of time, money and effort to look great and maintain a youthful appearance.  Just look at the cosmetics counter either at the mall or in your own bathroom and you’ll see the myriad of serums, lotions, and creams that boast anti-aging for the face, neck and... Continue Reading

Acne Awareness Month: A Patient’s Story

Acne had been a lifelong problem for me. My first breakouts occurred in the fifth grade, those bumpy oily pustules and blackheads from my hairline to my neck that were not only physically uncomfortable, but emotionally painful as well. Once it became obvious that the Clearasil and Bonnie Bell skin... Continue Reading

Stay tuned for QWO

QWO is an exciting new injectable used to treat  moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women. It is the first and only FDA-approved injectable for cellulite, and it is unique in that is targets a primary structural cause of cellulite – the disordered fibrous septae. While cellulite... Continue Reading

By Popular Demand! Introducing Intracel Radiofrequency (RF) Microneedling

At Dermatology & Laser of Del Mar we strive to provide our patients with the most advanced treatment options for a wide variety of cosmetic and skin health concerns. It is with this commitment to excellence in patient care that we are excited to announce the addition of Intracel Radio... Continue Reading

Facts About Dermal Filler And The mRNA COVID- 19 Vaccine

In recent days we have received questions from patients regarding reports of reactions in dermal filler patients who have also received the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.  We wanted to take a moment to address the facts, and hopefully allay the concerns regarding these reports.  At Dermatology & Laser of Del Mar,... Continue Reading

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