
July Specials and Deals

FREE Fraxel Dual Hand Treatment Schedule a Fraxel  Dual treatment in July and we will treat your hands for FREE* ($1000 value) Fraxel Dual treats sun damage, fine lines and wrinkles and improves skin texture Schedule today (858)350-7546 Space is limited *Offer valid for newly scheduled appointments. Valid with paid treatment  for face, neck, chest and/or... Continue Reading

What Is the Difference Between Restylane® and Restylane® Silk?

With the impressive array of dermal fillers now available, including JUVÉDERM®, Perlane®, Radiesse®, and others, you can be forgiven for feeling confused about what each product does, especially when the manufacturers often make more than one type of formula. This is particularly true with Restylane® and the company’s latest cosmetic... Continue Reading

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